Who We Are
Since the late 1970s, we’ve cultivated the expertise to manage overseas manufacturing effectively. We offer a wide selection of ready-made standard
items and room collections. Need solutions tailored to you? Fully custom guestroom furniture is our bread and butter. With a track record of hospitality industry experience spanning decades, HF Collection has developed a global reputation for excellent quality, competitive prices, on-time delivery and outstanding customer service.
What We Do
We specialize in manufacturing high-quality custom and ready-made casegoods, seating and millwork. From major name brand programs to full-service 4 and 5-star resorts, we do it all. We take a comprehensive, holistic approach to quality, customization and ongoing support in every project. We’re dedicated to providing transparent customer service while working closely to meet timelines and budgets without compromise.
What to Expect
Headquartered in Austin, Texas, our domestic team of experts will manage your entire project — from quoting and initial design to project management and billing to aftercare. Our four international offices handle sourcing, engineering, manufacturing, quality control and logistics. Upon request, we also offer factory visits and in-person product reviews led by our international team.